Ascot Theatrical Financing

Minimum Guarantee Financing For Qualified Sales Companies

Print this pageBriefly, here is how our “alternative off balance sheet” financing program and procedure works:

  1. The Sales Company proposes to our company a Quality Feature Film with Name Cast and perceived International Commercial Appeal that it wishes to acquire the worldwide sales rights to sell, but at the present time does not have sufficient internal financial resources to provide a Minimum Guarantee needed to be able to acquire the film sales rights.

  2. Our company will evaluate the film.  Theatrical Films may be in an early stage of development, ready for pre-sales, preproduction, production or the film is in a rough cut or finished stage. The sales company will provide a sales estimate and a $ amount it requires for a Minimum Guarantee to acquire the sales rights.

  3. After analyzing the commercial viability of the proposal, our company will either pass on the film or make an offer to provide a Minimum Guarantee in an amount it deems prudent for this particular project.

  4. If our company wishes to proceed to grant the Minimum Guarantee, we will acquire the sales rights to the film under our company name. Simultaneously, we will sign a separate sales agreement with the presenting sales company to have that sales company exclusively handle the sales of this film on behalf of our company and the producer.

  5. Our company will earn a portion of the sales commission (share to be determined) for providing our services. The cost of the guarantee will be calculated at US prime +5%. A setup fee of $5000. is payable with the application to cover basic setup costs and limited legal fees. If the Minimum Guarantee is not approved, the $5,000. is fully refundable.

  6. All licensing agreements will be submitted by the sales company in our company name for our approval. All funds collected will be wire transferred to our bank account or to a mutually-approved collection service. Our company will authorize the release of materials stored in a mutually-authorized lab. The sales company will prepare the paperwork for authorized deliveries.

  7. The above “alternative off balance sheet” financing method to acquire sales rights for films should only be considered by your company if:
    1. When a great film becomes available and your company does not at the moment have sufficient financing resources to provide a Minimum Guarantee for such a major film’s sales rights, which is deemed important for your sales company to acquire.
    2. Your company wishes to acquire the sales rights to additional quality films over and above your regular acquisition slate and budget to earn extra profit.
    3. Your company wishes to acquire a locomotive (a larger film) to pull the rest of your sales slate.

If the above principles are of interest, it will then make sense for your company to share a portion of your sales commission with our company and acquire the sales rights to an additional film your sales company could not obtain at this time without our help.

If we can answer any additional questions:
Contact: James R. Moder, at Ascot Theatrical Financing.
Phone: 1-800-592-8999
Email: Contact Us
Address: 9595 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 900 Beverly Hills, CA. 90212