Ascot Theatrical Financing

Frequently asked Questions and Answers

Print this pageWhat is Minimum Guarantee financing for Sales Companies?
Our company provides Minimum Guarantees to approved sales companies to enable them to acquire the sales rights to Quality Theatrical Feature Films.

What type of film qualifies?
Theatrical Motion Pictures with Name Cast and Perceived International Appeal.  (Sometimes smaller films are considered for guarantees if strong pre-sales can be documented)

At what stage can we apply for a Minimum Guarantee?
Theatrical films may be: at the early stage of development; ready for pre-sales; in pre-production; when production has commenced, or; in a rough cut or finished stage. Smaller films may be in a rough cut or finished stage.

What advantage is there to utilizing our Minimum Guarantee financing?
It will allow the sales company to have a Minimum Guarantee line of credit available to acquire Quality Feature Films with Name Cast that the sales company otherwise would not be able to finance internally and acquire the sales rights to such films at a time when a large quality film is available.

What is the cost?
Our company will earn a portion of the sales commission (share to be determined depending upon the size of the picture and risk), an interest charge on funds allocated, and a setup fee.

What security is required?
After the sales company negotiates the acquisition of the sales rights and before closing, we are to be named as holder of the sales rights as partial security and then simultaneously assign the operational sales rights back to the sales company so the sales company can perform all sales functions. The sales company indemnifies us against any loss in the same way as your Company would indemnify any bank on a Corporate Line of Credit.

If we can answer any additional questions:
Contact: James R. Moder, at Ascot Theatrical Financing.
Phone: 1-800-592-8999
Email: Contact Us
Address: 9595 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 900 Beverly Hills, CA. 90212